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Find an online converter that can perform your desired conversion. You will need to get the file name and key of the converter you want to use. There is a vast selection on the internet, but I would recommend using Google. If Google doesn't provide what you're looking for, try another search engine such as Yahoo or Bing and find a site with a download button or live demo (if present). Then download and run the installer given by your chosen conversion program. The steps may vary depending on which website you downloaded from, so make sure you follow along carefully. The installer will usually give you the choice to install the program in either portable or absolute mode. Portable means it can be run from a thumb drive or removable media such as a CD-Rom, and absolute is installed on your C:\\. The absolute version will require you to be online when converting files, so if you go for this option then ensure that there is a connection present. If you plan on using this converter regularly, then choosing portable and using a thumb drive or similar storage device makes sense, as it is faster and less of a hassle to use than an online converter. The converter will then ask you for the files you want to convert, and whether or not you wish to convert them all at once. If the converter only has the option to convert a few files, then it is probably best that you download another converter that can do this instead. When converting your files, make sure that they are in the proper format; otherwise it will be very difficult for your computer to read them properly. Make sure there are no errors when loading up your file; this includes viruses or incorrectly formatted extensions like .bmp (bitmap). If you get any errors while using your program, try clearing your downloads list in the properties of the file in question and restarting your program. After finished, you may need to restart your computer if the conversion has crashed. Reboot in an easy to use mode; if not possible, make sure that no applications are running in the background (such as antivirus software). If there were any problems during the process, your program could either give you a list of all the errors or simply say "not supported". If it gave you an error, read them carefully because they will help you figure out what exactly went wrong. After correctly reading the error message, try again. Allow for time for files to be downloaded and installed when using this converter. The longer it takes for you to complete this process, the longer it will take to transfer or install certain files. Browse the website and find what you need. If you cannot find it, make sure the website follows the standard code of web addresses ( and use Google to search for it; sites that do not follow this structure are less likely to be safe and secure websites. If you find a converter that seems interesting, download it and run the installer given by your chosen conversion program. The steps may vary depending on which website you downloaded from, so make sure you follow along carefully. The installer will usually give you the choice to install the program in either portable or absolute mode. cfa1e77820